Nov. 24 (Morning): Bootstrap, Flexbox, Animations, CSS Magic!


Bootstrap, Flexbox, Animations, and other CSS Magic!
November 24
9:30 am – 11:30 am
Grades 4-8

Spaces available



Bootstrap, Flexbox, Animations, and other CSS Magic!
November 24
9:30 am – 11:30 am
Grades 4-8

In this workshop we’ll learn a bunch of amazingly fun and cool things you can do on your web site  with CSS. We’ll start with an introduction to Bootstrap, the web framework that it seems half of the sites in the world use. Bootstrap gives you clean, consistent theming, spacing, alignment, and styling of all standard HTML elements. So yummy!

We’ll also look at flexbox—an incredibly helpful and simple layout module that will make your life simpler. And we’ll learn how to make animations and transitions without any Javascript at all!

If none of that makes any sense, how about: “we’ll make web pages look super cool and pro.” Some light experience with web coding would be helpful, but is not strictly required.