August 10-14: Build Your Own Web Site in HTML5


Aug 10-14: Build Your Own Web Site
9-11 am
Grades 4-8
ONLINE only — Zoom required

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Aug 10-14
9-11 pm
Grades 4-8

Building your own web site from scratch is a highly rewarding endeavor with real-world value. In this camp, students will create web sites with a purpose: to serve as digital portfolios, to display information about a subject of interest, to communicate with the public, or for any other use they can think of.

We’ll start with the backbone of web page construction—-HTML–and branch out to include Javascript, DOM, and CSS. We’ll also look at time-saving toolkits like Bootstrap, FontAwesome, and Google fonts. At the end of the week, each student will have a fully functional, public-facing web site that they can continue to build on and enjoy through the end of the year!